If you use a Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL, or other non-Gmail email account, Google may owe you $5,000 for illegally intercepting your emails.
Retain one of the nation's best lawyers for only $1. Join others in this on-file lawsuit.
Hear from Ray, then call us with questions at 415.257.8800 x 11
Read the initial complaint

Google made money by intercepting and processing emails you sent to Gmail users. We've been fighting Google in Court for three years. We've seen the evidence and gotten the court rulings. We won settlements in two previous cases: Gmail has changed its architecture pursuant to a court order (in Matera v. Google). And we settled some damage claims (in Corley v. Google).
Now, it's time to collect on your claims for damages. Read our reviews. We put you first. Learn more below. See the FAQs for details. Where do I learn more? See the FAQs
If you’ve never had a Gmail account and didn’t know that Google was intercepting and processing your emails to Gmail users for advertising purposes, you have strong claims under the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA).
CIPA claims are worth $5,000.
But act now. All claims will expire.
How do you join? Click Here
Answer a few questions to qualify.
What’s at stake?
Your freedom, your security, and your privacy.
Google intercepted and analyzed your intimate communications with Gmail users using cutting-edge artificial intelligence to develop “user profiles”.
“We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.”
- Google’s former CEO, Eric Schmidt.
People emailing Gmail users have "no reasonable expectation” that their communications are confidential.
- Google.
What can you do?
Join the Lawsuit, assert your rights and reject email surveillance. Seek your $5,000 from Google for its violations.
Click Here To Join
Call with questions at 415.257.8800 x 11
This site is sponsored by Ray E. Gallo and Gallo LLP, 100 Pine St., Suite 1250, San Francisco, CA 94111

Ray graduated from Yale in 1987 and earned his law degree from UCLA in 1992. He is a repeat winner of AVVO's clients' choice awards, holds AVVO's perfect 10/10 rating, Martindale Hubbel's "Pre-eminent" "AV" rating, and has been named as one of LawDragon's 100 Leading Legal Consultants and Strategists nationally. Mr. Gallo's AVVO reviews reflect his clients' consistent satisfaction. He crusades for consumers and for clients who can’t afford to pursue their claims unless they organize through a site like this one. He believes in representation and justice. To read more about his efforts and his successes click the links below.

You can also find testimonials from consumer, executive, and corporate clients, testimonials from our former opposing counsel, awards, information about past results, attorney profiles, and other information on our main website.

You can also find testimonials from consumer, executive, and corporate clients, testimonials from our former opposing counsel, awards, information about past results, attorney profiles, and other information on our main website.
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